With the Learning To Rank (or LTR for short) contrib module you can configure and run machine learned ranking models in Solr. The module also supports feature extraction inside Solr. The only thing you need to do outside Solr is train your own ranking model. Learning to Rank Concepts Re-Ranking Re-Ranking allows you to run a simple query for…

Query Re-Ranking – Ultimate Solr Guide
Query Re-Ranking allows you to run a simple query (A) for matching documents and then re-rank the top N documents using the scores from a more complex query (B). Since the more costly ranking from query B is only applied to the top N documents, it will have less impact on performance then just using the complex…
The Extended DisMax (eDismax) Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
The Extended DisMax (eDisMax) query parser is an improved version of the DisMax query parser. In addition to supporting all the DisMax query parser parameters, Extended Dismax: supports Solr’s standard query parser syntax such as (non-exhaustive list): boolean operators such as AND (+, &&), OR (||), NOT (-). optionally treats lowercase “and” and “or” as “AND” and “OR”…
The DisMax Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
The DisMax query parser is designed to process simple phrases (without complex syntax) entered by users and to search for individual terms across several fields using different weighting (boosts) based on the significance of each field. Additional options enable users to influence the score based on rules specific to each use case (independent of user…
The Standard Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
Solr’s default Query Parser is also known as the “lucene” parser. The key advantage of the standard query parser is that it supports a robust and fairly intuitive syntax allowing you to create a variety of structured queries. The largest disadvantage is that it’s very intolerant of syntax errors, as compared with something like the DisMax query…
How AI is Helping Scientists in the Fight Against Covid-19
From March 10 to May 5, 2020, the world has seen the gruesome side of coronavirus, and the results of downplaying a warning. All countries got into a state of traumatic confusion and chaos, that resulted only in the revelation of their own incompetencies. Result? A global state of emergency. Within these dark shadows of…
Global Organizations Turning to RPA to Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic
The world is a whole new different place now. Employees no longer walk through the hallways of their offices; the beach utopias of Europe have no longer enthusiastic visitants and economies no longer have any advocacy for the future. In the midst of crisis, all that lies, is horrifying anxiety. Result? The whole business and…
Solutions Blockchain and AI can Bring in Response to the Deadly Wuhan Virus Outbreak
The Wuhan virus or COVID-19, has struck every country. From what, it seems humans are reeling under a new reality now, all in a distressed and dreaded state of mind. Healthcare industry is taking its biggest hits since centuries, and economies are suffering from its unpreparedness. In this moment of global trauma, all failures, be…
Indexing and Searching Nested Documents in Solr – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi All, Today I will be writing about another important aspect of Solr that encapsulates the need of a lot of business applications. Suppose we need to index data of an e-commerce company that wants to host a variety of products on their websites along with associated SKU’s. This data needs to be indexed, updated,…