When we talk about healthcare, the first thing you visualize is hospitals and medical practitioners. A lot has been made possible in the field due to the availability of IoT devices. Traditionally as well, doctors always used to rely on a variety of investigations to diagnose a patient’s symptoms before prescribing medicines. Today, with the…

How Is Artificial Intelligence Redefining The Banking Sector
Artificial Intelligence has enabled computer systems to perform tasks that require human intervention. Machine Learning is a key building block of Artificial Intelligence and it helps in making choices that machines cannot without the help of a human being. The banking industry is very sensitive in such cases which results in more severe and long-term…
How Impactful is Blockchain When It Comes to Establishing E-governance During This Time of the Pandemic
The second decade of 2000 began with the introduction of disruptive technologies. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet Of things or IoT, walked right through the right carpet and transformed the whole technological landscape. Although, AI and IoT became more of the innovative accelerators, but, blockchain originated essentially as a disruptive innovation intended directly for revolutionalizing…
Is Printing Money is a Valid Response to the Coronavirus Crisis?
Corona Virus silently crawled into nearly every street of the world. Till date, i.e. May 8, 2020, it has infected millions, killed thousands, murdered economies, baffled scientists, traumatized health care professionals, and in the process has infused endless fear amongst the masses. The biggest impact of COVID 19, second to world health has been on…
Opportunities for Greater Use of AI and Blockchain in Smart Cities
The reality we live in today is largely influenced by revolutionary innovations that have increasingly disrupted our current ways of doing businesses. It is interesting to know how policymakers, governments, and businesses can leverage the potential of disruptive technologies and unlock the doors to a better and competitive world of tomorrow. And as unfortunate as…
Collapse and Expand Results – Ultimate Solr Guide
The Collapsing query parser and the Expand component combine to form an approach to grouping documents for field collapsing in search results. The Collapsing query parser groups documents (collapsing the result set) according to your parameters, while the Expand component provides access to documents in the collapsed group for use in results display or other…
Spell Checking – Ultimate Solr Guide
The SpellCheck component is designed to provide inline query suggestions based on other, similar, terms. The basis for these suggestions can be terms in a field in Solr, externally created text files, or fields in other Lucene indexes. Configuring the SpellCheckComponent Define Spell Check in solrconfig.xml The first step is to specify the source of…
MoreLikeThis – Ultimate Solr Guide
The MoreLikeThis search component enables users to query for documents similar to a document in their result list. It does this by using terms from the original document to find similar documents in the index. There are three ways to use MoreLikeThis. The first, and most common, is to use it as a request handler. In this…
Transforming Result Documents – Ultimate Solr Guide
Document Transformers modify the information returned about documents in the results of a query. Using Document Transformers When executing a request, a document transformer can be used by including it in the fl parameter using square brackets, for example: fl=id,name,score,[shard] Some transformers allow, or require, local parameters which can be specified as key value pairs inside the…