INTRODUCTION – Apache Solr is a NoSql based text search engine with the capacity to run blazing fast searches along with loads of functionalities such as faceting, grouping, collapsing, fuzzy searching, boosting, relevancy tuning, etc. Its an extrapolation of Lucene-based search and is developed based on the open-source architecture. Most businesses these days need their…

RequestHandlers and SearchComponents in SolrConfig – Ultimate Solr Guide
After the <query> section of solrconfig.xml, request handlers and search components are configured.A request handler processes requests coming to Solr. These might be query requests or index update requests. You will likely need several of these defined, depending on how you want Solr to handle the various requests you will make.A search component is a feature of search, such as highlighting or…
Circuit Breakers – Ultimate Solr Guide
Solr’s circuit breaker infrastructure allows prevention of actions that can cause a node to go beyond its capacity or to go down. The premise of circuit breakers is to ensure a higher quality of service and only accept request loads that are serviceable in the current resource configuration. When To Use Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers…
Distributed Search – Ultimate Solr Guide
When using traditional index sharding, you will need to consider how to query your documents.It is highly recommended that you use SolrCloud when needing to scale up or scale-out. The setup described below is legacy and was used prior to the existence of SolrCloud. SolrCloud provides for a truly distributed set of features with support for…
Solr caches – Ultimate Solr Guide
The settings in this section affect the way that Solr will process and respond to queries. These settings are all configured in child elements of the <query> element in solrconfig.xml. Caches Solr caches are associated with a specific instance of an Index Searcher, a specific view of an index that doesn’t change during the lifetime of that searcher….
All About Indexing and Basic Data Operations – Part 1- Ultimate Solr Guide
Hello Everyone! Today I would like to discuss a very important aspect about Apache Solr. To perform any basic search operation, we need an index. The index of apache solr rests in terms of a document which is basically a set of fields having certain values. Hence, indexing operation in solr becomes very crucial in…
Solr Client API’s – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hello Everyone! Today we will discuss another important aspect in solr which is widely used in enterprise-grade applications harnessing the power of solr. In most scenarios, we need to interact with data types of different types and from different sources. Solr provides with multiple client Api’s to deal with this type of scenario and do…
Re-platform search from Endeca to Solr – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hello everyone! We are back with another post. This time we will discuss in detail an important aspect affecting a large number of enterprise applications. Let’s face it, in today’s fast-changing world, if an organization doesn’t keep abreast with the much-needed changes in their core systems, it is quickly forgotten and it tends to lose…
mm (minimum match) parameter in DisMax Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi folks! We are back with another post. Today we will discuss in detail an important aspect of solr which is being used by a large number of enterprise applications. In most applications, there is a need to return a response to every query thrown at the solr engine within some workable contextual bounds. In…