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Smart Manufacturing Solutions for Smarter Factories

Smart Manufacturing Solutions for Smarter Factories


The smart manufacturing solutions has the implicit to support labor productivity threefold over the coming decade. Deloitte reports. Digitalization of manufacturing is gaining  instigation by incorporating fast-moving technologies similar as industrial IoT, big data analytics, cloud environment, M2M communication (machine to machine), artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Industry 4.0 may turn out to be challenging for those businesses who lag behind in terms of conforming to new realities impacted by the IIoT acceleration. By combining advanced digital technologies, the manufacturing assiduity is suitable to meet the digital and physical worlds through the unknown value of perceptivity across the  supply chain lifecycle. Let’s get into detail and throw light on each technology able to optimize operations, processes, and means that helps in building smart manufacturing solutions.

Also read: Role of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Smart Manufacturing Solutions

It’s worth noting that a smart factory can be substituted by the following synonyms: intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet of things (further about its underpinning conception), Industry 4.0., and digital factory. All these word combinations denote full- fledged automated, digitized, and IoT- driven results aiming at collecting  product data,  assaying it to bring practicable perceptivity, and accelerating human intelligence through machine learning algorithms to insure flexible, effective, and streamlined processes on each step of the manufacturing lifecycle. To achieve the ultimate thing of a holistic view of the processes, the  product conditioning are backed by IIoT (Industrial Internet of things). Let’s move forward and outline the benefits and operations, and how actually your business can be impacted by the IoT,  cloud computing, and big data analytics.

Leverage Smart Manufacturing Solutions to Stay Ahead: IIoT Benefits to Embrace

Real- Time Monitoring and Asset Operation

To cover the most precious means in real- time and efficiently manage the manufacturing processes, industrial businesses can connect them and get a complete view of all the stages throughout the product lifecycle. All this is possible by  enforcing asset tracking systems and smart devices and detectors that are installed into  means in the manufacturing product, supply chain, and logistics. Being connected, manufacturers and directors will get data on the  granular position. The final will be converted into meaningful perceptivity in the centralized system where data sets aren’t siloed.

Thus, the whole product cycle is completely controlled and optimized thanks to automatic reporting, real- time cautions, and enhanced monitoring conservation.

With detector- equipped tools, the factory has the implicit to grease the visibility of physical means throughout the working terrain. Detectors collect asset tracking data that’s comprehensive and accurate. This impacts the improvement of control, business strategic opinions, and supply reporting.

Example: AWS IIoT results allow businesses to optimize the quality of the manufacturing issues, maximize the means’ operation, and descry implicit malfunctions beforehand. All these use cases can be achieved with the objectification of cloud computing technologies, advanced analytics, and IoT.

Streamlined Business Operations

When data is tracked in real- time, asset application is optimized and automatically maintained. That means the outfit is continuously controlled and can be acclimated automatically. This helps manufacturers streamline their functions. With IoT- enabled data systems, the volume of inventory operations is reduced due to remote monitoring of critical means. This, in turn, diminishes the manual involvement of  workers whose  efforts can be more precious for strategic business opinions.

Streamlined business processes mean smaller errors, smaller spare particulars and  time-out, enhanced quality control, and workers’  bettered productivity. With similar maximized edge, businesses can increase their ROI and boost their gains. The main rule is to estimate your current state of legacy systems and identify what data points have to be captured and analyzed.

Asset Downtime Prevention With Predictive Maintenance

According to Deloitte, poor maintenance strategies affect unplanned time-out, which, in turn, deteriorates manufacturing productivity, user experience, and profit. This costs businesses $ 50 billion annually. There’s a dilemma relating to the maximization of asset vacuity. Businesses tend to have a trade- off problem whether to run machines until they fail or replace potentially good corridor beforehand. Exercising data from several touchpoints (detectors, ERP, CRM, and other maintenance operation systems) combined with ML, predictive maintenance (PdM) represents a huge eventuality for smart factories. They can directly prognosticate failures and  help them in advance.

Enhanced Labor Management with Smart Robotics

Smart robots denote an AI system that can collect and dissect data from the terrain and apply it to make  further progressive issues than humans. With strong capabilities to learn and percept, smart robots can’t only manage repetitious tasks but in collaboration with humans induce advanced business-critical opinions grounded on  former experience and literacy models.

Incorporating IoT detectors and machine learning algorithms in smart robotics allows manufacturers to ameliorate supply chain and logistics.

Digital Twins

Digitals twins are digital clones of any real-world physical objects, business processes, places, people, and indeed cities. IoT, real- time data, simulation, and machine  learning technologies are used to produce virtual representations that grease the accurate and innovative projection of the future of any connected terrain. A digital twin can be applied, for illustration, in a machine engine or wind turbine that’s equipped with IoT detectors, software analytics, and artificial intelligence.

Using real- world data, a digital twin creates simulations represented in the digital  dupe, which is  also applied to the original physical object or process to  prognosticate how they will perform.

Also read: Role of the Internet of Things in Smart Manufacturing

Ready to Get Started?

To embark on the digital transformation of your manufacturing processes, it isn’t enough to embrace connected technologies. It’s a step- by- step strategy that starts with relating your critical areas for data- driven  elevation.

First, you need to estimate your legacy systems and how they can be integrated with Industrial IoT- powered systems. Likewise, determine means that are of high precedence to be covered and controlled. Subsequently, do with the connectivity network structure to make this transition smooth and flawless. Nonetheless, let us know and we will gladly help you with your design to offer you a customized  result, if you need profound details on how to start your digital transformation path.

Get in touch with us now!