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Importance of RFID Technology in Tire Industry

Importance of RFID Technology in Tire Industry


The importance of RFID technology in tire industry is changing the game. Smart RFID tire means that the tire is equipped with RFID. The RFID tire label is connected to the tire. It can automatically cover and acclimate the tire’s driving temperature and other data information, so that the driver or auto repair shop can keep track of the tire’s handling status. Smart RFID tires will be the new automotive revolution!  Radio-  frequency identification (RFID) technology, which allows for the storehouse and reclamation of information using radio waves, has enabled a new kind of internet- connected smart tire. These RFID- equipped tires can significantly profit the industry during the manufacturing process and after they’ve been  vended.

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These are some of the RFID technology in tire industry that have had the topmost impact on the tire industry so far.

Cradle- to- Grave Tire Tracking

Michelin plans to rig all its new tires with RFID by 2023. The manufacturer believes this is a cost-effective result for tracking the tires “ from cradle to grave ” and could enable further effective conservation programs. RFID scanners contain information about the tire. Including its model,  range, aspect  rate, and lot number. This data can be precious for use cases. A repair shop with an RFID scanner could  quickly check for recalls grounded on lot number or tire type. A mechanic could  overlook a new tire to see if it’s compatible with the manufacturing and model of a  client’s vehicle.  The information from RFID scanners could also help Michelin improve conservation and stage more effective recalls. For instance, if tires from a particular product batch  frequently fail, RFID  markers could be used to rapidly identify and recall only the  imperfect ones.

Inventory Management and Proof of Recycling

RFID technology in tire industry can also give value to businesses in the tire sector other than manufacturers. Business owners can use RFID scanners to more efficiently track force and storages. The markers could enable them to identify which tires they  vended most frequently, helping them to help stockouts of in-demand tire brands.  While not in wide usage yet, early exploration on RFID-powered inventory tracking has offered promising results. One study on RFID in inventory operation set up a potential 27 %  enhancement in accuracy with the use of the technology. A sign that relinquishment by tire merchandisers could  give significant value.

The same RFID markers used to improve inventory management could also be recovered from tires before recycling. They could give auto possessors or recyclers with an easy substitute to traditional evidence of recycling  inventory styles.  While  utmost tires are reused in one way or another, 11 % of them still go to  landfills and another 49 % are burned for energy, releasing heavy essence and other  dangerous particulate matter. Identifying new ways to incentivize recycling could help improve those  figures.

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Information from RFID- powered  evidence of  recycling systems could be used to more track the number of tires reclaimed or comply with original regulations. It would also make it easier for manufacturers to offer  incentives to end- users and tire recyclers.

Having a proven recycling system in place could  give value to customers of the recycling center by enhancing the traceability of local efforts. With the right information and reporting norms, consumers could know exactly which tires went into the creation of new rubber products or where particulars from a particular  municipality go to be reclaimed.
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RFID in the Manufacturing Process

RFID  markers can also streamline the manufacturing process and boost quality control in tire factories.  For  example, in the same way RFID can improve inventory operation processes by merchandisers. It can also help improve inventory and asset operation in factory. Tire manufacturers can outfit trolleys, autonomous guided vehicles, and conveyors with RFID  markers. Furnishing them with better information on how quickly products and raw materials move through the  plant.

Tire  build machines (TBMs) could use RFID markers on material reels,  corridor, and tools. To  insure the correct materials and manufacturing styles are used for each  production run.

Labels could also be used to mark pallets or holders of raw materials, helping manufacturers  visualize the inflow of raw materials throughout the  installation in near real- time. Information from RFID could reveal if plant layout or processes are creating backups that decelerate the movement of raw material. This allows  possessors to make changes to  plant processes that are affecting  product.

RFID Allows the Temperature of the Tire

The RFID technology allows the temperature of the tire to be covered and recorded.  Generally, the temperature of tires gradually rises. Due to heat generation during driving, and the high temperature accelerates the declination of high polymers similar as rubber and cords. Thereby minimizing the service life of the tires. The RFID tire temperature monitoring system consists of two corridor the RFID temperature seeing label implanted in the tire carcass is responsible for detecting. And transmitting tire temperature data. The RFID  reader installed in the auto receives the data and displays the data on the terminal.

Also read: Using RFID Technology To Track Returnable Items

How RFID Tires May Change Manufacturing

As major manufacturers like Michelin begin to completely incorporate RFID into their new tires. The RFID technology in tire industry could offer some major  utility for manufacturers, merchandisers, and recyclers. Easier recycling, bettered tire  tracking, and streamlined  force  operation could all be made possible with the use of RFID labels.

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