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Ecommerce Logistics Solutions for your Business Growth

Ecommerce Logistics Solutions for your Business Growth

As an ecommerce logistics solutions for business, managing fulfillment logistics can be extremely grueling. Between managing a warehouse, tracking supply, responding to clients, and staying competitive in the assiduity, there’s no deficit of logistics tasks that will constantly take up your time, money, and energy. In this composition, we are going to discuss the ecommerce logistics solutions for your business growth.

Also read: E-logistics Market and Policy Environment in India

What are Logistics Solutions?

Logistics solutions for ecommerce logistics solutions for businesses consists of the operation of the supply chain. This includes everything from storing inventory in a warehouse, to picking and packing services, to automated shipping and returns operation.

What’s Ecommerce Logistics Solutions?

Ecommerce logistics solutions is a process between product manufacturing and delivery into the  client’s hands. It includes several sub-processes, and that’s where it becomes more complicated. We are just about to discuss these way in further detail.

E Commerce in Logistics Step- By- Step Delivery Journey

The logistics journey includes multiple stages. These are supply operation, order placement, packing, shipping, and address delivery to the customer. Any of those  way may involve several vendors known as 3PL (Third- Party Logistics) companies. Here’s what happens during each phase

Order Placement

This stage includes different  styles of placing an order. Clients can do it online, by phone, or by submitting paper forms in stores. E-commerce implies electronic order placement and fulfillment. It can be a centralized business or a website of a certain supplier where  clients browse  registers, add products to cargos, check them out, and choose delivery options.

Inventory Management

Before orders move to delivery, they spend some time at storages. You can use your in house warehouse or turn to 3PL vendors. Depending on the chosen warehousing  seller, you may use different ways to organize supply operation. Centralized  storages  give one big warehouse hub to supply your products directly to the carriers. Meanwhile, decentralized storages supply products to several capitals and also deliver them to clients who can choose the closest option available.


When the order appears in the supply, it’s time to pack it. For that, your seller needs enough supply of cardboard boxes, plastic film and paper. Certain products may also bear special conditions, like delivering glass particulars or customizing packing with gift cards or bags.


Shipping services involve transporting large quantities of products for long distances. Large drivers country-wide or international operators are generally responsible for this process. It requires special means of transportation like aeroplanes, vessels, or freight. That’s why you must choose a seller precisely before outsourcing this service.

How to Ensure Data Security in Your Traceability System

Address Delivery

This step is also called “last mile delivery” because that’s when an order meets a  client. There are several ways to organize this final stage. For illustration, clients could pick up their order at the chosen retail store or delivery office or have an address delivery rather.

Reverse Logistics

Managing order exchange and return is also a part of the supply chain. Although it’s  not required, it’s worth having your return policy in place. The role of Third- Party Logistics Companies (3PL) still, getting into its specifics might be grueling, if logistics isn’t your core capability. In this case, you need to learn how to make an in- house logistics team, outsource some of its way, and optimize business processes.  The good news is that you do not have to deal with logistics alone. Currently, there are multitudinous 3PL vendors and ecommerce logistics operation apps.

Now, let’s look at the most compelling advantages of logistics outsourcing.

Reducing Cost Per Unit

Functional costs for logistics take 5 percent to 15 percent of the aggregate charges of ecommerce retailers. Reducing costs at each logistics stage will let your business invest further money in its growth. Large 3PL companies can offer great deals because they’ve all the necessary structure. For illustration, they may give drone delivery services allowing you to save your budget.

Similar vendors help reduce cost per unit and take down the regulatory pain. Generally, their services are biddable with government and assiduity regulations. Thus, they follow the same rules and are compatible. For illustration, international shipping companies can unite with local and national carriers since they’ve all the necessary agreements.

Scaling The Geography

Imagine you’re about to enter a new market and export your goods. Transferring the orders manually by post will make your clients stay longer. Also, the  international delivery price will be either your company’s or your client’s burden. 3PL will give you with regional branches anywhere you want. With their help, you will need to  insure enough supply in the storages for particular locales. Logistics companies will take care of everything differently. To add up, 3PLs allow businesses to grow and gauge geographically by furnishing access to their structure and installations in the areas they operate.

Also read: The Future Logistics & Supply Chain Technologies

Launch Your Supply Chain Management Solution with Aeologic Technologies

In this composition, our experts have handed an overview of the advanced digital trends to guide you into the future of logistics. Now you know what ecommerce logistics solutions is, which steps each digital order goes through, and what to consider when  structuring a logistics app from scrape. We know the pain of trying to apply out- of- box features into the being services and also realizing they can not cover all your requirements.

That’s why we would like to offer custom development services for supply chain operation software. We will take care of product design, user interfaces, and all necessary integrations. Our team will make your app based on any business rules and criteria you need. Nonetheless, do not  hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions about ecommerce logistics solutions. We’re happy to help you and give our expertise for resolving logistics challenges of any complexity.