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Benefits of Automation in the Manufacturing

Benefits of Automation in the Manufacturing Sector

For years, factories are at the foreground for innovation around automation, robotics, and process improvement. Since the age of “Industry 4.0” has started, an entirely another generation of manufacturing automation solutions has been introduced varying from 5G to artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. One of the arenas, that has observed significant transformation as…

Why Automation is the Key to Fixing Prior Authorization

Why Automation is the Key to Fixing Prior Authorization

“Prior authorization” is a term that many of us don’t understand, but we’ve all had to utilize it at least once. It’s the process by which a healthcare provider requests permission from health insurance providers to approve a certain procedure or prescription therapy before it’s performed so that they are covered by their insurance. We…

Use of Automation, AI & Digitization in the warehousing industry in India

Use of Automation, AI & Digitization in the Warehousing Industry in India & Globally

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has forced business of every industry to shift its operations from the traditional approach to a technology-based one. This shift is known as digital transformation or digitalization. The digital transformation involved the implementation of various technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and many more. The warehousing industry in India and all…

Ways to Improve Supply Chain with Automation in 2022

Best Ways to Improve Supply Chain with Automation

Incorporating a new method to your existing business’s supply chain can be challenging sometimes and one might tend to stick to the old method. If the business has been in the market for quite a while, there is a good probability that one is still doing it using the conventional way, meaning, carrying out inventory…

Logistics Automation is Driving Growth Across Key Sectors

How Logistics Automation is Driving Growth Across Key Sectors?

In this modern era of business, automation has become an integral part, and logistics automation has driven growth across key sectors. Various industries have seen massive improvements in their productivity with the implementation of logistics automation. in this blog, we’ll discuss three sectors that have changed dynamically in a very positive way with the implementation…

Opportunities of Automation for Logistics

The Impact and Opportunities of Automation for Logistics

Automation for logistics has now being mainstreamed as the traditional way of conducting logistics and supply chain businesses involves a lot of human resources and manual functioning. This operational approach leads to making things complex, lacks proper communication, and increases the number of human errors which can result in huge losses to the organization. To…