Artificial intelligence (AI) and process automation are increasingly being used to improve customer service. AI can be used to help agents handle customer queries more efficiently, and process automation can help to streamline back-end processes. Both AI and process automation can help to improve the customer experience and make it more efficient and effective. The…

The Role of Automation in the Future of Manufacturing
Every business, society, and nation on the planet is facing challenges due to the growing population, scarcity of natural resources, and climate change, the world is turning to automation for answers. The reason behind this shift is clear, smart factory automation brings a whole new level of efficiency to manufacturing. This lead to saving time,…
Automation to Help at Times of High Demand
When it comes to online businesses, one of the most challenging times to manage is during periods of high demand. This is when customers are flooding your website or online store, and you need to ensure that everyone receives the best possible service. This is where automation can help. By automating specific processes, you can…
How the Future of Automation will Transform Business
New technology is changing business forever. Automation will disrupt every industry in the next 50 years, and it’s happening right now. Whether you’re working in manufacturing, retail or finance — automation will change the way you work. The future of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t known yet. It depends on who you ask and…
Benefits of Automation in the Manufacturing Sector
For years, factories are at the foreground for innovation around automation, robotics, and process improvement. Since the age of “Industry 4.0” has started, an entirely another generation of manufacturing automation solutions has been introduced varying from 5G to artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. One of the arenas, that has observed significant transformation as…
Why Automation is the Key to Fixing Prior Authorization
“Prior authorization” is a term that many of us don’t understand, but we’ve all had to utilize it at least once. It’s the process by which a healthcare provider requests permission from health insurance providers to approve a certain procedure or prescription therapy before it’s performed so that they are covered by their insurance. We…
Use of Automation, AI & Digitization in the Warehousing Industry in India & Globally
The global pandemic of Covid-19 has forced business of every industry to shift its operations from the traditional approach to a technology-based one. This shift is known as digital transformation or digitalization. The digital transformation involved the implementation of various technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and many more. The warehousing industry in India and all…
Best Ways to Improve Supply Chain with Automation
Incorporating a new method to your existing business’s supply chain can be challenging sometimes and one might tend to stick to the old method. If the business has been in the market for quite a while, there is a good probability that one is still doing it using the conventional way, meaning, carrying out inventory…
Automation is at the Heart of Digital Business Transformation
Automation is at the heart of digital business transformation. Automation: The art and science of programming a computer to take on a certain task. In today’s age of automation, this can be anything from simple tasks like Sales Tickets with Credit Card, Invoicing, etc. Or more complex tasks like Website Design and other specialist skills…