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Benefits of 5g in Industrial Environments 

Benefits of 5g in Industrial Environments 

5G is developing still. It will be incorporating many features that will have a huge impact on many sectors, including industry. 5G will be laying the foundations for ‘Smart factories’, the factories of the future. This blog explores the benefits of 5G in Industrial Environments.

Also read: Role of Private 5G Networks in Industry 4.0

What is 5G?

5G or Fifth Generation Mobile Network is the new communication standard that is enabling ultra-fast connectivity with very low latency. Moreover, the browsing speed is up to 100 times faster as compared to its tech predecessor. Also, latency is decreased to less than one millisecond. Additionally, it can do all of this without relying on more devices being connected at the same time.

Therefore, these features are presenting opportunities for industries that seemed unimaginable not so long ago. The merging of this type of technology with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will be allowing industrial activity to develop in a much more flexible, autonomous, and efficient method.

Benefits of 5G in Industrial Environments

We have highlighted the major benefits of 5G in industrial environments

Providing a competitive advantage for the industry

Some experts project that by 2025 there will be more than 70 billion devices connected to the internet. And several of these will be within the industrial sphere thanks to the development of the IIoT. This technology will be enabling a level of automation and connectivity within the industry like never before. Hence, this will be the “Smart factory” of the future. As a result, failing to incorporate 5G systems in your business would be like missing a train that is moving so fast that you will never be able to catch up.

Increasing safety, efficiency, and flexibility in production

Subsequently, the production plants of the future will be very different from what we have today. Whereas today we have production lines with massive machinery that is barely allowing for changes and reconfigurations.

The ability for operating wirelessly will be one of the factors enabling this. Hence it will be ensuring efficient communication between operators, machines, and the rest of the facility.

Increasing productivity and security

5G networks can be installed in a variety of ways and a very appealing option for companies is to set up their own local 5G network optimized for their own particular use. Subsequently, this is allowing for the creation of highly secure networks (the security will be depending on the company itself, not on other operators).

Shifting to 5G is straightforward

Today, already many devices are 5G-ready.This is something that is not technically complex. Since there are companies that are offering services and equipment for enabling all kinds of industrial devices to use this new communication standard.

Also read: How Will 5G Transform Industrial IoT?

Supporting the development of Network Slicing

Network slicing will be allowing conventional networks. Thus, in this way, a single physical 5G network could be divided into many virtual networks for different types of services.

This system is maximizing the flexibility of the networks and the efficiency of their use. As well as it also reducing the operating costs.

At Aeologic Technologies, we are committed to the industry of the future

Since 5G is still under development and has not yet met its full potential. When that time approaches, companies will be incorporating the technology, enjoying its benefits, and joining the Smart Factories revolution.

There are several benefits of 5G in industrial environments. Such as more speed, lower latency, and greater device capacity. These will be enabling levels of automation and the use of intelligent systems that will be revolutionizing the industry.

If you would like us to help your organization with the development of this technology, please do not hesitate to contact us.


How does 5G is helping industries?

Hence, enabling smart manufacturing, immersive content — AR/VR, and immersive/cloud gaming. 5G is having the capability to transform several industries. 5G will be creating several new job opportunities in manufacturing, transport, ICT, healthcare, and retail. However, upskilling and reskilling the workforce will be critical

How 5G will be affecting the IT industry?

Considering an example, the manufacturing industry will be witnessing smart factory advancements due to IoT and automated manufacturing.