Technology is no longer reserved for particular countries or specific groups of people. Nowadays, even the average person are having access to some form of technology, which is helping the technological and international business revolution. Therefore, in this blog we will discuss the role of technology in international business communication. We will look at some…

The Benefits of Edge Computing for Businesses
The modern business environment constantly runs on data produced in high volumes from computers, applications and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, putting data at the centre of every business transaction. Nowadays, companies are moving towards edge computing for their businesses. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons for it. With the development and adoption…
Building a Digital Immune System for Your Business
A robust digital immune system for your business helps in protecting applications and services from anomalies, such as the effects of software bugs or security issues by building applications more resilient so that they recover rapidly from failures. It can decrease business continuity risks made when critical services and applications are severely compromised or stop…
Role of Technology in Lab Grown Diamonds Sector in India
India has the capability for becoming an international hub of lab-grown diamond production and processing. The country is playing a crucial role of technology in lab grown diamonds. The latest industry update by Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council stated that India’s polished lab-grown diamond exports amounted to be around $1.05 billion from April 2021…
Benefits of Digital Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry
What is Digital Manufacturing? The process of utilizing computer systems for supporting and improving manufacturing operations. The benefits of digital solutions for manufacturing tools (often cloud-based) can connect and simplify processes across the production cycle. To create a ‘digital thread’ that integrates manufacturing operations for streamlining and enhancing design, production, servicing, and more. The benefits of digital solutions…
Role of Hyperautomation in the Healthcare Industry
Organizations nowadays want to boost productivity, minimize expenses, and aim to work most efficiently to succeed. The role of hyperautomation in healthcare is one of the solutions which can facilitate healthcare organizations to move ahead. In this article, I’ll explain the role of hyperautomation in healthcare industries. Also read: Best Ways to Maximize the Benefits…
Role of 5g Technology in the Digital Economy
Every successive generation of wireless communication technology has changed the way how we live and work. 1G allowed voice calls, while 2G supported data transmission. Whereas, 3G, launched in India in the late 2000s, presented the feature of video calling. 4G’s data speed of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) allowed 3D virtual reality (VR), augmented…
Role of Information Technology in Judicial System
Once upon a time, we were taught during our school days that the importance of life for humans to survive are food, clothing, and shelter. However, with the changing time, I believe this list is to be updated. Today, the necessities are clothing, food, shelter, and Information Technology. It is becoming an inseparable part of…
The Role of Information Technology in Modernising the Courts
As the popular phrase goes: necessity is the mother of invention, and the COVID-19 pandemic is a major example of this. The pandemic is forcing India to adapt to technology it had long kept ignoring. Even the judicial system observed the adoption of technology, which is typically a face-to-face job. However, it is now, more…