If you want to find how Big Data is changing lives and making the world a better place, there’s no better example than uses being found for it in Healthcare. The amount of data we routinely generate and collect in pretty much everything we do has greatly increased in the last 10 years. And not…

How to Strengthen Cyber Security in Smart Manufacturing
It’s 2020, and it’s the era of digitalization of things. If you observe closely, every element of our daily life is handled digitally. While digital transformation has made our lives simpler and more efficient, it has also increased the possible threat to our personal important information. Especially when it comes to businesses and different industries,…
How Is Big Data Transforming Business?
When the world saw the rise of the internet in the early 1990s, some of the world’s brightest minds began theorizing about what would later become big data. But in 1999, the term “Big Data” was first published. It’s 2020, and If you’re still thinking that, “Big data isn’t required for my business,” then you’re…
How Big Data Is Transforming Retail Industry
Personalization is the “new marketing”. In 2019, the chatbots took over marketing strategies of several companies, and it worked wonders. People got accustomed to customizing shopping suggestions and getting recommendations on their browsing history. The facilitator of this last mile (cart to checkout) marketing, is Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and analytics (Big Data). This combination…
The Cyber Security Landscape in the Manufacturing Sector
Seldom does a week go by without a report in the press of a cyber-security incident, with sectors from the health service through transportation to retail suffering data breaches, data losses, or disruptions of service. Cybersecurity does not belong only to the IT departments anymore— globally its importance has been noticed in the board rooms…
Redefining Customer Experience in Financial Sector with VR and AR
The world is all about competition, technological evolution, and never-ending needs, which, just like every other sector, is affecting the financial sector too. They are also embracing new techniques and technologies to match up to the world. Some years ago, this whole concept would have felt like fiction, but not anymore. The banks worldwide have…
How Hyper Automation can Transform Processes Across Industries
Hyperautomation is the use of automation with a litany of different technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), digital process automation (DPA), machine learning (ML), integration-platform-as-a-service (IPaaS) solutions and decision management systems, to optimize workflows. Sean Chou, co-founder, and CEO of Catalytic explains, “In many ways, it’s an acknowledgment that the initial…
Solr caches – Ultimate Solr Guide
The settings in this section affect the way that Solr will process and respond to queries. These settings are all configured in child elements of the <query> element in solrconfig.xml. Caches Solr caches are associated with a specific instance of an Index Searcher, a specific view of an index that doesn’t change during the lifetime of that searcher….
How Are AI and Machine Learning Benefiting the Healthcare Industry?
Undoubtedly, Artificial Intelligence has taken over 2020 by a storm. The pandemic is a practical use case of how disruptive technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain and Machine Learning can actually be used against the diagnosis and control of viral infections. AI being the most decisive technology amongst the other tech is seeing…